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English Reading Practice - Baking & Cooking -Metaphors and Similes in the World of Food (C1/C2 Advanced)

Food is more than sustenance; it’s a language of the senses, a canvas for our emotions, and a symphony of flavours. When mere words fall short, metaphors and similes step in, transforming the act of eating into a narrative—a dance of imagination and taste. Let’s explore this culinary lexicon and savour the linguistic delights it offers.

What Are Metaphors and Similes?

  • Metaphors: These linguistic tools compare two seemingly unrelated things, suggesting that they share common characteristics. In the world of food, metaphors elevate flavours beyond the literal.

  • Example: “The pizza was a disc of sunshine.”

  • Similes: Similar to metaphors, similes compare things using “like” or “as.” They create vivid images by drawing parallels between different experiences.

  • Example: “Her laughter was as warm and comforting as a bowl of homemade chicken soup on a chilly day.”

A Taste of Metaphors and Similes

Let's explore some of the more commonly used metaphors and similes including food.

A Slice of Heaven

  • Meaning: The pleasure of eating a particular food is akin to the blissful experience of being in heaven.

  • Example: The first bite of the homemade chocolate cake was truly a slice of heaven, with its velvety texture and heavenly cocoa aroma. Food for Thought

  • Meaning: Something intellectually nourishing, like a meal that feeds the mind.

  • Example: The author’s profound words on societal change served as a thought-provoking feast—a true food for thought lingering long after reading. A Taste of the Exotic

  • Meaning: Unusual or unfamiliar food, akin to taking a trip to a distant, exotic location.

  • Example: Sampling the street vendor’s spiced mango offered a taste of the exotic, transporting my taste buds to a bustling market in Mumbai. A Feast for the Senses

  • Meaning: A particular food pleases all the senses, like a grand banquet.

  • Example: The seafood platter was a feast for the senses—vibrant colours, enticing aromas, and a symphony of textures on the palate. A Spicy Mix

  • Meaning: Different flavours in a dish resemble the heat and excitement of spices.

  • Example: The chilli-infused stir-fry was a spicy mix of flavours, igniting a culinary fire that left a tingling sensation on the tongue. A Comforting Bowl of Soup

  • Meaning: Soothing and nourishing, like being wrapped in a warm blanket.

  • Example: As the rain tapped on the window, a comforting bowl of chicken soup became my refuge, warming both body and soul. A Sweet Treat

  • Meaning: A particularly delicious or indulgent food, meant to be savoured.

  • Example: The homemade caramel fudge was a sweet treat—a delectable symphony of sugar and butter melting on the tongue.

Next time you savour a dish, let these metaphors and similes dance on your palate. Taste isn’t just about the tongue; it’s a multisensory adventure. So raise your fork to the gastronomic symphony—where words become flavours and flavours become memories.

Check your understanding

  1. What is the primary purpose of using metaphors and similes in describing food according to the text?

  2. Explain the difference between a metaphor and a simile with examples from the text.

  3. What does the metaphor "A Slice of Heaven" mean, and how is it used in relation to food?

  4. Describe the meaning of "A Feast for the Senses" and provide an example from the text.

  5. How does the phrase "Food for Thought" extend the concept of nourishment beyond physical sustenance?

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  • Sustenance: Food and drink regarded as a source of strength; nourishment.

  • Canvas: A surface on which a painter creates an artwork; used metaphorically to describe something that serves as a base for creative expression.

  • Symphony: A complex musical composition; used metaphorically to describe a harmonious and intricate combination of sensations or experiences.

  • Lexicon: The vocabulary of a person, language, or branch of knowledge.

  • Metaphor: A figure of speech that compares two unlike things without using "like" or "as," suggesting they are alike in some way.

  • Simile: A figure of speech that compares two unlike things using "like" or "as" to create a vivid image.

  • Velvety: Smooth and soft to the touch or taste, often used to describe textures.

  • Aroma: A distinctive, typically pleasant smell.

  • Profound: Having deep meaning or significance.

  • Exotic: Originating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country; unusual and exciting.

  • Symphony: Used here metaphorically to describe a harmonious and complex combination of flavours and experiences.

  • Palette: The range of colours used by an artist, or metaphorically, a range of flavours or experiences.

  • Igniting: Causing something to start burning or to excite or arouse feelings.

  • Tingling: A slight stinging or prickling sensation.

  • Refuge: A place or thing providing shelter or safety.

  • Delectable: Delicious or extremely pleasant to taste.

  • Multisensory: Involving or using several senses simultaneously.

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