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English reading practice - First Drunk Driver (B1/B2 intermediate level English)

Long ago in London, there was a cab driver named George Smith. He brought something important to Britain without even knowing it. He was the first person to get into trouble for driving after drinking too much.

Back then, in the early 1900s, the streets of London were very different. There were no cars like we have today. Instead, people used horse-drawn cabs, rode bicycles, or walked. Cars were rare and new.

On this day 10th September 1897, George Smith was driving his cab in London. He was not drunk from drinking a lot of alcohol like we might think today. Instead, he had drunk something called Ethanol, which is found in alcoholic drinks.

A police officer noticed that George was not driving correctly. He thought George might be drunk, so he decided to stop him. The officer used his judgment and arrested George for drunk driving. This arrest started something important.

George Smith's trial, where they decide if he did something wrong, took place in a special court in London. It was serious because it was the first time someone was put on trial for driving drunk. Many people were curious about what would happen.

In court, some people said that George was not able to drive safely because he had been drinking Ethanol. Others said he was not really drunk and had only taken a little alcohol as a medicine.

After thinking carefully, the court said that George Smith was guilty of drunk driving. They made him pay a fine of one pound, which was a lot of money back then. This decision was important because it showed that society would not allow people to drive when they had been drinking.

Even though the fine was not big by today's standards, it sent a strong message. It made people realise that driving after drinking alcohol was dangerous, and it started the process of making laws and rules to keep roads safe.

George Smith's case in 1897 changed views. It made people think about how to stop drunk driving and make roads safer. It's a reminder that we should always drive responsibly and not drink and drive. The legacy of George Smith lives on in our efforts to keep our streets safe from the dangers of drunk driving.

Check your understanding

  1. Who was George Smith, and what did he do that had a significant impact on society?

  2. What was the reason for George Smith's arrest, and how did it lead to something important?

  3. How did George Smith's trial in 1897 contribute to changing people's views on drunk driving?

  4. What was the outcome of George Smith's trial, and why was it considered significant?

  5. How did George Smith's case influence the development of laws and rules related to drunk driving and road safety?

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