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English Reading Practice - Baking & Cooking - The Air Fryer Revolution (C1/C2 Advanced)

The air fryer has swiftly become a favourite appliance in kitchens around the globe, renowned for its ability to create crispy, delicious food with minimal oil. This innovative device offers a healthier alternative to traditional frying methods, allowing home cooks to enjoy their favourite fried foods without the guilt. From french fries and chicken wings to vegetables and desserts, the air fryer can handle a wide range of recipes with ease and efficiency.

How an Air Fryer Works

An air fryer cooks food by circulating hot air around it, much like a convection oven. This rapid air circulation creates a crispy layer on the outside while keeping the inside tender and moist. The high-speed fan and heating element work together to cook food quickly and evenly, often requiring little to no added oil. Most air fryers come with a basket or tray to hold the food, allowing excess fat to drip away during cooking.

So what are the benefits of Using an Air Fryer?

  1. Healthier Cooking: Air frying requires significantly less oil than deep frying, reducing fat and calorie intake.

  2. Speed: Air fryers cook food faster than conventional ovens, making them ideal for quick meals.

  3. Versatility: Capable of frying, baking, grilling, and roasting, an air fryer can be used for a variety of recipes.

  4. Convenience: Easy to use with preset cooking functions and simple cleanup, thanks to non-stick surfaces.

  5. Crispy Texture: Achieves a crispy, golden-brown exterior on foods without the need for excessive oil.

Recipe: Air Fryer Chicken Wings

Air fryers excel at making crispy chicken wings, a popular dish perfect for parties, game days, or a simple dinner. Here’s a quick and easy recipe to try:


  • 2 lbs (900 g) chicken wings

  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 1 teaspoon black pepper

  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder

  • 1 teaspoon paprika

  • Optional: your favourite wing sauce (e.g., buffalo, barbecue)


  1. Prepare the Chicken Wings:

  • Pat the chicken wings dry with paper towels to ensure they get crispy.

  1. Season the Wings:

  • In a large bowl, toss the wings with olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and paprika until evenly coated.

  1. Preheat the Air Fryer:

  • Preheat your air fryer to 400°F (200°C) for about 5 minutes.

  1. Cook the Wings:

  • Place the wings in the air fryer basket in a single layer. You may need to cook them in batches depending on the size of your air fryer.

  • Cook for 20-25 minutes, shaking the basket halfway through to ensure even cooking. Wings are done when they are golden brown and crispy.

  1. Optional Sauce:

  • If using a sauce, toss the cooked wings in your favourite wing sauce before serving.

  1. Serve:

  • Serve the wings hot, with celery sticks and blue cheese or ranch dressing on the side.

Tips for Air Frying Success

  • Do Not Overcrowd: Arrange food in a single layer without overcrowding to ensure even cooking and crispiness.

  • Shake or Flip: Periodically shake the basket or flip the food to ensure even cooking and browning.

  • Adjust Cooking Times: Different air fryers may have varying power levels, so adjust cooking times as needed based on your appliance.

  • Preheat: Preheating the air fryer can help achieve a crispier texture more quickly.

The air fryer is a versatile and health-conscious addition to any kitchen. By reducing the need for oil and speeding up cooking times, it allows you to enjoy your favourite fried foods in a healthier way. Whether you're making a quick snack or preparing a full meal, the air fryer can deliver delicious results with minimal effort. Give the above chicken wings recipe a try and discover the convenience and flavour of air frying for yourself!

Check your understanding

  1. How does an air fryer cook food and create a crispy texture with minimal oil?

  2. List three benefits of using an air fryer as mentioned in the article.

  3. What are the basic steps and ingredients needed to make air fryer chicken wings according to the recipe provided?

  4. Why is it important not to overcrowd the basket when using an air fryer?

  5. Explain the significance of preheating the air fryer and shaking the basket during cooking.

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Circulating: Moving continuously in a closed system or area. In an air fryer, hot air circulates around the food.

Convection: The process of heat transfer through the movement of fluids (like air or water). A convection oven or air fryer uses a fan to circulate hot air.

Tender: Soft and easy to chew. Food that is tender is cooked just right, not tough.

Moist: Slightly wet; not dry. In cooking, moist food retains its juices and is not dried out.

Excess: More than is needed or usual. Excess fat is the extra fat that drips away from food during cooking.

Versatility: The ability to adapt to many different functions or activities. An appliance with versatility can be used for various types of cooking.

Preset: Pre-programmed settings on an appliance that make it easy to cook specific foods. Presets simplify cooking by automatically selecting the right temperature and time.

Batch: A quantity or group of something. Cooking in batches means cooking food in multiple groups if it all doesn't fit at once.

Overcrowd: To fill a space with too many items, causing poor results. In an air fryer, overcrowding the basket prevents proper air circulation.

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