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English reading practice - Best Selling Single - Princess Diana (B1/B2 intermediate level English)

Music is really powerful. It can make us feel things, tell stories, and help us remember important moments. There's a song called "Candle in the Wind '97" that a famous singer, Sir Elton John, sang. This song is special because it was first written to remember another famous person, Marilyn Monroe, in 1973. But later, it became even more special when they changed it to remember Princess Diana after she died in a car crash in 1997.

At first, "Candle in the Wind" was a sad song about Marilyn Monroe, who had a tough life and died when she was only 36. But when Princess Diana passed away, Elton John and his friend Bernie Taupin decided to change the song to honour her. This new version became really popular and a way for people to remember Princess Diana and the sad event.

The words in "Candle in the Wind '97" talk about the difficult lives of both Marilyn Monroe and Princess Diana. The line "Your candle burned out long before your legend ever will" means that even though they're not alive anymore, they'll always be remembered.

Elton John played this song at Princess Diana's funeral. It was a very touching moment, and many people around the world felt comforted when they heard it.

This song had a big impact on the world. It became a symbol of everyone being sad together and helped people from different places feel connected. "Candle in the Wind '97" was the number-one song in the UK on this day 20th September and stayed there for six weeks and became the best-selling single of all time in the UK. It also raised a lot of money for the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund, which helps with the causes that Princess Diana cared about and supported while she was alive.

Even now, many years after Princess Diana passed away, "Candle in the Wind '97" is still special to many people. It reminds us how powerful music can be, bringing people together when they're sad. This song isn't just about Princess Diana; it's about how everyone feels when they lose someone they care about.

Check your understanding

  1. Who originally inspired the song "Candle in the Wind" when it was first written in 1973?

  2. Why did Sir Elton John and Bernie Taupin decide to change the song "Candle in the Wind" in 1997?

  3. What do the lyrics of "Candle in the Wind '97" convey about the lives of Marilyn Monroe and Princess Diana?

  4. How did "Candle in the Wind '97" impact the world and what did it symbolise?

  5. What charitable causes did the song "Candle in the Wind '97" raise money for, and why was it significant?

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