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English reading practice - Britain's Longest-Serving Postmistress (B1/B2 intermediate level English)

Esther Brauer was a very important person in the small village of Brayton, North Yorkshire. She worked as the postmistress for over 50 years, making her the longest-serving postmistress in Britain (at the time). Esther ran the post office from her own home and was loved by everyone in the village.

In 1957, Esther and her husband George moved to Brayton and took over the post office, which was then a small shed that was only open for a few hours each week. Over the years, they worked hard to make it bigger and better. Esther provided excellent service to the villagers, always going above and beyond to help them.

In 2013, Esther was recognised for her hard work and dedication when she was awarded the British Empire Medal. A year later on this day 19th May, at the age of 84, Esther announced her retirement. Everyone in the village was sad to see her go, and they thanked her for all that she had done for them. Esther was very humble and said that she would miss everyone in the village, but that she and her husband would travel more often.

Esther's retirement was a big loss for the village, and people wondered who could take her place. However, Esther's kindness and dedication will always be remembered by the people she touched over the years. She was a wonderful postmistress who made a big impact on her community. Esther passed away in April 2017, but her legacy lives on.

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