In the hilly and open fields of the UK, there is an amazing animal that runs around in the tall grass and makes people happy when they see it. It's called the brown hare (Lepus europaeus), and it's a fantastic creature from the animal world. It's a bit mysterious and has been a part of stories and poems for hundreds of years. Today, we're going to learn about this wonderful animal, its habits, and the interesting stories about it.
The brown hare is a graceful and beautiful animal. It has a long, thin body, strong back legs, and big eyes. These hares are known for being very fast and can jump really high, which is impressive to see in the wild.
Hares live alone in open places such as fields where they can use their speed and agility. They are most active during the early morning and late evening when you might see them leaping around or hear their quick, thumping footsteps.
One of the most interesting things about brown hares is how they behave when they want to find a partner. During the time when they are ready to have babies, in what people call the "mad March hare" season, they chase each other around and even jump and box to show they like each other. It's quite exciting to watch!
Brown hares have some special features that help them survive in the wild. Their brown fur helps them hide in their natural homes and stay safe from other animals and people who might be watching. In the winter, hares in the Scottish Highlands change the colour of their fur to white, so they match the snowy background. This change helps them stay hidden and safe.
If you want to know the difference between hares and rabbits, hares are bigger and have longer ears and legs. They usually live alone or in pairs in nests above the ground, while rabbits often live together in groups of up to 20 in tunnels underground.
Throughout history, people have been fascinated by brown hares and have made up many stories and legends about them. Some believed hares had special powers and could move between the world of the living and the world of the dead. In some places, hares were connected to the moon, which made them even more magical.
By Jean-Jacques Boujot from Paris, France - Lièvre brun / Brown Hare, CC BY-SA 2.0,
Artists have also been inspired by these animals and have created lots of paintings, photos, and sculptures of them.
Sadly, brown hares are facing some challenges. They are losing their homes because of changes in the places they live and people hunting them. People are working hard to protect these wonderful animals and make sure they can keep living in the wild.
The brown hare is truly amazing. With its beauty, speed, and exciting courtship rituals, it has been loved by people for a very long time. From stories to art, the brown hare has left a lasting mark on our culture. Let's continue to enjoy and protect these marvellous animals and the stories they inspire.
Check your understanding
What is the name of the animal being described, and where can it be found in the UK?
How is the brown hare's appearance described, and what are some of its remarkable abilities?
When and where are hares most active?
What interesting behaviour do brown hares exhibit during the "mad March hare" season, and why is it exciting to watch?
What are some of the challenges that brown hares are facing, and what efforts are being made to protect them?
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Mysterious: Something that is not well understood or has an air of secrecy.
Agility: The ability to move quickly and easily, often with grace and precision.
Thumping: Making a loud, rhythmic, and heavy sound, like the noise made by heavy footsteps.
Courtship: An animal's behaviour and actions when it wants to attract a mate or partner.
Inspired: When something or someone serves as a source of creative or artistic ideas, often leading to the creation of art, literature, or other works.
Marvellous: Extremely wonderful or amazing.