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English reading practice - Business English - Elevate Your CV (C1/C2 Advanced)

One question is often asked regarding our resume. When every line is scrutinised for its potential impact, should I include my hobbies and interests? While it may seem trivial compared to your professional experience and skills, including the right hobbies on your CV can provide valuable insights into your personality, skills, and potential cultural fit within a company. So, what hobbies should you consider including to make your CV stand out in the competitive business arena?

1. Strategic Networking: Golf or Tennis

Engaging in sports like golf or tennis not only demonstrates your commitment to a healthy lifestyle but also signals that you understand the art of strategic networking. These sports often involve building relationships in a relaxed setting, which mirrors the dynamics of many business interactions. Plus, the patience and focus required in sports like golf can translate to a meticulous and goal-oriented approach in the professional realm.

2. Continuous Learning: Book Clubs or Online Courses

Showcasing your commitment to continuous learning can set you apart in a business environment that values adaptability. Joining a book club or enrolling in online courses related to your field highlights your intellectual curiosity and dedication to staying ahead in the ever-evolving business landscape. This hobby suggests that you are not just a candidate for today's needs but someone who is ready to embrace the challenges of tomorrow.

3. Leadership and Teamwork: Team Sports or Volunteering

Participating in team sports or volunteering for community initiatives highlights your teamwork and leadership skills. These hobbies indicate that you can collaborate effectively with others to achieve common goals, an essential trait in any business setting. Employers appreciate individuals who can seamlessly integrate into a team and lead with empathy and enthusiasm.

4. Analytical Thinking: Chess or Strategy Games

If you're looking to emphasise your strategic and analytical thinking skills, consider mentioning your interest in chess or strategy games. This hobby suggests that you approach problems methodically, considering various angles and potential outcomes—a valuable asset in roles that require critical thinking and decision-making.

5. Global Perspective: Travel and Cultural Immersion

Businesses today often operate on a global scale, and having a global perspective is a significant asset. Highlighting your passion for travel and cultural immersion can signal your adaptability, cultural awareness, and ability to navigate diverse environments—a crucial skill set in an interconnected business world.

6. Creativity: Arts, Writing, or Photography

If you're in a field that values creativity, such as marketing or design, showcasing hobbies like painting, writing, or photography can add a personal touch to your CV. This highlights your ability to think outside the box and brings a unique perspective to problem-solving.

7. Achievement-oriented or fun!

The final category can show your dedication or some of your humour. Including 'Completed London Marathon 2016 & 2017' or 'Enjoy baking. Probably make the best chocolate brownies' can show more about your personality and may intrigue the interviewers enough to want to get to know you a bit more.

In conclusion, strategically selecting hobbies for your CV can be a powerful tool to showcase your personality, skills, and cultural fit within a business environment. Choose hobbies that align with the values and qualities sought by your target employers, and watch as your CV transforms from a mere document to a compelling narrative of your professional and personal strengths. After all, in the competitive world of business, every detail matters.

Check your understanding

  1. How can participating in sports like golf or tennis reflect positively on your professional profile, according to the article?

  2. What does the inclusion of hobbies related to continuous learning, such as book clubs or online courses, signal to potential employers?

  3. In what ways do team sports or volunteering experiences demonstrate valuable skills in a business context, as mentioned in the article?

  4. How can hobbies like chess or strategy games be advantageous for individuals aiming to highlight specific skills in their CV, according to the article?

  5. Why does the article suggest that showcasing a passion for travel and cultural immersion can be beneficial for professionals in today's business landscape?

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  1. Scrutinised: Carefully examined or inspected, often with a critical eye.

  2. Adaptability: The ability to adjust and thrive in different situations or environments.

  3. Meticulous: Showing great attention to detail and precision.

  4. Empathy: The ability to understand and share the feelings of another, often accompanied by a desire to help or support.

  5. Interconnected: Linked or connected in such a way that one thing affects or influences another.

  6. Methodically: In a systematic and orderly manner, following a well-organised and planned approach.

  7. Cultural Immersion: The process of deeply engaging and participating in the customs, traditions, and lifestyle of a particular culture.

  8. Adversely: In a way that has a negative or harmful effect.

  9. Transforms: Changes or converts something into a different form or state.

  10. Compelling: Evoking interest, attention, or admiration; convincing and persuasive.

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