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English reading practice - Common Shrew (B1/B2 intermediate level English)

Within the massive amount of animals in the United Kingdom, there's a little hero we often overlook—the common shrew. Even though it might sound like a plain name, this small mammal is extraordinary. Let's embark on a fascinating adventure into the world of the common shrew, discovering the special things that make it stand out in the British Isles.

For those who aren't familiar, the common shrew might seem like just another tiny creature darting through bushes. But in reality, it's a powerful little being, weighing only 5 to 15 grams. The shrew has a very fast metabolism needing to eat nearly its own weight in food every day. To put it in perspective, imagine a person having to devour an entire pizza every few hours—that's the amount of food a shrew needs! This constant hunger showcases the incredible energy of these little creatures.

Contrary to what its name suggests, common shrews lead anything but boring lives. These sociable animals have intricate social structures. Unlike many other critters that prefer solitude, shrews enjoy living together and working as a team. Envision a tiny shrew family, snugly settled in a leafy home, working together to find their way through the tangled undergrowth.

Love is a significant part of a common shrew's life, but their romances are short, lasting only a few hours! Picture potential shrew couples engaging in acrobatics and dances to impress one another. It's a fast-paced and intense love story. When you have just a short window of time to find your shrew soulmate, there is no time to waste!

Despite their small size, common shrews play a crucial role in the environment. They're heroes for gardeners and farmers because they munch on lots of insects. By doing so, they help maintain the balance of nature. It's a perfect example of how something small can have a big impact.

By Soricida - Photograph taken by Sophie von Merten, CC BY-SA 3.0,

However, like all creatures, common shrews face challenges. They deal with problems such as losing their homes due to buildings, farms, and tree-cutting. Additionally, changes in the weather affect when insects appear, making it harder for shrews to find food. There are other issues like chemicals in the environment, other animals preying on them, and diseases making them unwell. Human activities, like destroying or accidentally harming their homes, are problems too.

To support shrews, we need to take various actions. We should care for their homes, use land wisely, avoid harmful chemicals, and work towards stopping climate change. Furthermore, it's essential for people to learn more about shrews so that we can protect them better.

In the end, common shrews are far from ordinary. They possess boundless energy, thrive on teamwork, and contribute to the harmony of nature. So, the next time you're walking through the woods of the UK, keep your eyes peeled for these small, incredible animals—they might just steal the spotlight in the wildlife show!

Check your understanding

  1. What is the weight range of a common shrew?

  2. What social behaviours do common shrews exhibit?

  3. How is the romance of common shrews described?

  4. In what way do common shrews contribute to the environment, and why are they referred to as "heroes for gardeners and farmers"?

  5. What are some challenges faced by common shrews, and what actions are suggested to support and protect them?

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Grand: something large, impressive, or magnificent in scale.

Extraordinary: unusual or remarkable, surpassing what is typical.

Embark: to start or undertake a journey or adventure. It is used to invite readers to explore the world of the common shrew.

Critters: (informal) a living creature; an animal

Darting: moving suddenly and quickly.

Metabolism: the chemical processes within a living organism that maintain life.

Contrary: opposite or opposed to.

Intricate: something having many complex details or parts.

Sociable: enjoying the company of others and engaging in social activities.

Envision: to imagine or picture something in one's mind.

Acrobatics: impressive and skilful physical feats, often involving agility and coordination.

Munch: to eat something steadily and often noisily. In the text, it describes the eating habits of common shrews, particularly insects.

Harmony: a state of balance, agreement, or peaceful coexistence.

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