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English reading practice -Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II (B1/B2 intermediate level English)

In the history of Britain, few events are as important as the crowning of Queen Elizabeth II. It happened on this day 2nd June 1953, and it was a big ceremony that marked the beginning of her time as queen. This event was very significant for the United Kingdom and it caught the attention of people all over the world. It represented the continuation of traditions and it started a new era.

The coronation of Queen Elizabeth II was not just about one person becoming the ruler. It showed that the monarchy was strong and it brought the British people together. After the difficult years of World War II, the coronation gave hope and stability to the nation. It reminded everyone of the long-established traditions and made people proud to be part of a united country.

The coronation ceremony was very grand and impressive. It happened at Westminster Abbey, a place with a lot of history. People around the world could watch it on television for the first time. There was a procession through the streets of London, and even though it was a cold and wet day, millions of people came to see their new queen. The most important moment was when Queen Elizabeth II was crowned with the St. Edward's Crown by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

The ceremony had many rituals and traditions that have been followed for hundreds of years. Each step had a special meaning and represented the heritage of the monarchy. The crown, sceptre, and orb were symbols of the queen's power and responsibilities. The whole ceremony showed how the monarchy has been part of British history for a long time.

The coronation of Queen Elizabeth II was also important because it was one of the first big events that people around the world could watch on TV. This made it possible for millions of people to see the grandeur of the ceremony from their own homes. It showed that the monarchy could adapt to modern technology and still be relevant.

Since Queen Elizabeth II's coronation, she became the longest-reigning monarch in British history. Throughout her time as queen, she showed dedication and strength. She was a stable figure in a changing world. The coronation marked the beginning of a remarkable reign that continues to shape the monarchy today. We recently had another coronation in England, when Queen Elizabeth II passed away her son became King Charles III. His coronation took place on 6th May 2023.

The coronation of Queen Elizabeth II is an important part of the history of the British monarchy. It combines tradition and modernity and it will be remembered by many as a huge celebration for the country.

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