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English reading practice - European Adder (B1/B2 intermediate level English)

In the beautiful forests and fields of the United Kingdom, there's a special snake called the European Adder. It moves quietly through the bushes, bringing a bit of magic to the British wilderness. This snake, with its pretty colours and smooth movements, is like a tiny enchanting dancer in the wild.

Imagine sunlight peeking through the leaves, making the forest floor look warm and inviting. In this calm place, the European Adder slithers gracefully, shining in brown, red, and black. It's a snake that represents the wild and free side of nature in the UK.

Contrary to what some people think, European Adders are not mean or aggressive. They're actually shy and help keep the balance of nature by eating small animals. They're nature's little helpers in the UK's many different places.

When spring comes, the male European Adders do a special dance to impress the females. It's like a show in the heart of the woods, with the snakes moving in interesting ways to get attention.

By Benny Trapp - Own work, CC BY 3.0,

Sometimes, people misunderstand European Adders. They have strong venom, but they usually run away instead of biting people. They use their venom to catch food and protect themselves, not to hurt humans. Understanding how these snakes behave is important for realising how special they are in the UK's nature.

Even though European Adders are helpful, they face some problems. Losing their homes, changes in weather, and people getting too close can be bad for them. People in the UK are working to keep these snakes safe so they can stay a part of the country's many animals.

If you ever go exploring in the forests and fields, seeing a European Adder can be really cool. Just be careful and let the snake go its own way. As the sun sets in the UK, the European Adder keeps moving quietly, showing us the magic of nature. By learning more about these snakes, we can enjoy their company and protect them, making the UK's forests a wonderful place for everyone. So, go on an adventure, explore nature, and let the European Adder teach you the secrets of the wild.

Check your understanding

  1. What is the special snake mentioned and where is it found?

  2. How is the European Adder described in terms of its appearance and movements in the wild?

  3. Contrary to what some people think, what is the actual behaviour of European Adders, and how do they contribute to nature in the UK?

  4. What special activity do male European Adders engage in during spring, and what is its purpose?

  5. How do people sometimes misunderstand European Adders?

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  1. Enchanting: Having the ability to attract and captivate, often with a magical or charming quality.

  2. Peeking: To glance or look quickly and partially, usually with the implication of being hidden or partially obscured.

  3. Slither: To move smoothly and quietly with a twisting or undulating motion, often used to describe the movement of snakes.

  4. Contrary: Opposite in nature, direction, or meaning; going against what is commonly believed or expected.

  5. Balance of Nature: The natural equilibrium in an ecosystem where different elements coexist and contribute to overall health and harmony.

  6. Helpers: Individuals or things that assist or contribute positively to a situation or task.

  7. Impress: To make a strong positive impact, often to gain attention, admiration, or approval.

  8. Venom: Poisonous substance produced by animals, often injected through a bite or sting.

  9. Realising: Becoming aware or understanding something, often used interchangeably with "recognising" or "understanding."

  10. Harmony: A state of peaceful coexistence and balance, especially in nature or within an ecosystem.

  11. Exploring: To investigate or travel through an unfamiliar area in search of new things or experiences.

  12. Captivate: To attract and hold the interest or attention of someone or something, often with a powerful or magical appeal.

  13. Undulating: Moving in a smooth, wave-like pattern; having a rhythmic or flowing motion.

  14. Calm: Free from disturbance or agitation; peaceful and serene.

  15. Captivating: Attracting and holding the interest or attention, often in a delightful or enchanting manner.

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