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English reading practice - Fallow Deer (B1/B2 intermediate level English)

Discover the magical world of the United Kingdom, where beautiful forests and big parks are home to some special animals called Fallow Deer. These creatures with their elegant looks and crown of antlers; are like the kings and queens of the countryside, making everything around them look even more wonderful.

Imagine waking up early and taking a walk in the woods on a cool morning. You can hear the sounds of Fallow Deer fighting with their antlers. The antlers are beautiful and come in different shapes and sizes but have a use. The use them to show how powerful they are and to win the attention of females.

When Autumn arrives, the deer change colours like the leaves on the trees. Some turn dark red-brown, others light brown, and some even become white. It's like a fashion show in the forest, and it makes walking in the woods to find these animals even more exciting.

In some big royal parks in the UK, like Richmond Park, you can meet these special deer. It's a safe space for them to live and we can see them in all their glory. Picture yourself wandering through the huge park, finding a herd grazing against the backdrop of historical landmarks—a truly royal meeting with nature.

Fallow Deer are not just beautiful; they are also friendly and like to be together. Mums take care of their babies, and young deer like to play. It's like watching a happy family in the woods.

Deer with palmate antlers

By Michael Palmer - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

We need to take care of these special deer and the places they live. By learning about them and being kind to nature, we can help keep the woods a wonderful place for everyone.

Exploring the world of Fallow Deer in the UK is like going on a magical adventure. With their fancy antlers, colourful coats, and friendly behaviour, these deer make the countryside a special and happy place. So, put on your walking shoes, bring your camera, and let's go on a fun journey to meet the Fallow Deer!

Check your understanding

  1. What is the significance of the Fallow Deer's antlers, and how do they use them in their interactions?

  2. How do Fallow Deer change in appearance during the Autumn season, and what comparison is made to their transformation?

  3. Name one big royal park in the UK where you can encounter Fallow Deer, and why is it described as a safe space for them?

  4. How is the behaviour of Fallow Deer described in terms of their social interactions and family dynamics?

  5. Why is it emphasized that we need to take care of these special deer and the places they inhabit, and how can individuals contribute to preserving their environment?

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  1. Antlers: Antlers are the branched horns on the head of male deer. In the context of Fallow Deer, the text mentions that they use their antlers to demonstrate their power and attract the attention of females.

  2. Autumn: Autumn refers to the season between summer and winter, characterised by falling leaves, cooler temperatures, and a change in the colour of foliage.

  3. Royal Parks: Royal Parks are large public green spaces in the United Kingdom that are officially owned by the monarchy. Richmond Park is cited as an example in the text.

  4. Backdrop: In this context, a backdrop refers to the background against which something is viewed. For example, Fallow Deer grazing against the backdrop of historical landmarks.

  5. Social Interactions: This phrase refers to the way in which animals, in this case, Fallow Deer, interact with each other in a social setting, such as families taking care of their young or deer playing together.

  6. Preserving: To preserve means to maintain or keep something in its existing state. In the context of the text, it refers to the importance of taking care of the special deer and their habitats.

  7. Countryside: Countryside refers to rural areas or open land outside of cities and towns. In the context of the text, Fallow Deer are described as the kings and queens of the countryside.

  8. Palmate Antlers: Palmate antlers are antlers that resemble the shape of a hand with outspread fingers. The image description mentions "Deer with palmate antlers," indicating a specific type of antler shape.

  9. Glory: In this context, seeing the Fallow Deer in all their glory means observing them in their full splendour or magnificence.

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