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English reading practice - Famous Festival Starts (B1/B2 intermediate level English)

The Glastonbury Festival started small but has become very famous. It all began in 1970 when a farmer named Michael Eavis decided to have a gathering on his farm in England. He was inspired by a movement of people who wanted to do things differently. They called it the "Pilton Pop, Blues & Folk Festival" and planned it as a one-day event.

At the first festival, there were not many big music acts like there are now. They had singers like T. Rex, Al Stewart, and Stackridge. Tickets only cost £1, and you could also get free milk from Michael Eavis's farm. About 1,500 people came to the festival on the 19th and 20th of September in 1970.

This festival happened during a time when people were rebelling against the usual rules and trying new things. The 1970s were about experimenting with different ways of living and expressing themselves. The Glastonbury Festival was a special place where you could forget about everyday life and enjoy music, art, and freedom.

Even though it started small, the first Glastonbury Festival was important. It showed that people could come together to have fun and also care about important things. Michael Eavis believed in values such as including everyone, taking care of the environment, and helping charities. These values helped the festival grow and attract all kinds of people who loved music and art.

As the years went by, Glastonbury got bigger and more popular. It became a famous event in the summer in the UK, with famous musicians like David Bowie, Oasis, and Beyoncé performing. The festival added more than just music – it had theatre, circus acts, poetry, and art, making it an amazing experience for everyone.

Now, Glastonbury is known all around the world, and people from everywhere come to it. It's not just a music festival; it's a big event that attracts about 200,000 people each year. Glastonbury cares about the environment and being responsible, and it loves to showcase all kinds of music.

The very first Glastonbury Festival might have been small, but it laid the groundwork for one of the most famous music festivals in the world. Today, Glastonbury is still about music, art, and freedom – a reminder of how people can come together to express themselves and connect with each other.

Check your understanding

  1. Who was the founder of the Glastonbury Festival, and what inspired him to start it in 1970?

  2. What were some of the features of the first Glastonbury Festival in terms of music acts and ticket prices?

  3. How did the Glastonbury Festival reflect the cultural and social trends of the 1970s?

  4. What values and principles were important to Michael Eavis, and how did they contribute to the growth of the festival?

  5. How has the Glastonbury Festival evolved over the years, and what aspects of the festival besides music have contributed to its popularity?

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