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English reading practice - Father of Science Fiction Born (B1/B2 intermediate level English)

H.G. Wells was a famous writer known for creating exciting stories about the future and science. He was born on this day 21st September 1866, in England.

When H.G. Wells was a child, his family didn't have much money, and he wasn't always very healthy. But he loved reading and learning, and he was very curious. This meant he did well in school. He even went to a special science school in London and learned about biology from a famous teacher named Thomas Henry Huxley. This learning influenced the stories he wrote later.

H.G. Wells is called the "father of science fiction" because he wrote stories that were different from any other stories that had been written at that time. Some of his most famous books are "The War of the Worlds," "The Time Machine," and "The Invisible Man." In these books, he imagined aliens coming to Earth and time travel. People loved how he mixed science with stories.

One of his famous books, "The War of the Worlds," tells a story about Martians invading Earth, and it shows all the problems that happen because of it. This story is still very popular today, and many movies and shows are based on it.

In another book, "The Time Machine," H.G. Wells talked about time travel. This means going to the past or future. He used a machine in the story to do this. It made people think about time and how humans have changed over time.

H.G. Wells didn't only write stories. He also looked at the world around him. In a book called "The War in the Air," he talked about how airplanes would be used in future big wars. This was before World War I happened, so he kind of predicted it.

He also wanted to make the world better. He talked about ideas like socialism (where people share things) and women's rights (where women have the same rights as men). He wrote a book called "The Outline of History" to help people understand the past.

Even today, people still like H.G. Wells' ideas about the future, technology, and how people behave. His stories have been made into movies, TV shows, and radio shows, so new generations can still enjoy them.

Check your understanding

  1. Who was H.G. Wells, and why is he known as the "father of science fiction"?

  2. When and where was H.G. Wells born, and what were some challenges he faced during his childhood?

  3. Can you name three of H.G. Wells' most famous books, and what were some unique themes or ideas he explored in them?

  4. How did H.G. Wells use his scientific knowledge and imagination in his storytelling, and can you provide an example from one of his works?

  5. Besides writing fiction, what other topics and ideas did H.G. Wells explore in his writings, and why is he considered a visionary thinker?

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