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English reading practice -First Chelsea Flower Show (B1/B2 intermediate level English)

The Chelsea Flower Show is a famous event for garden lovers that happens every year in London. But did you know how it all started?

The very first Chelsea Flower Show was on this day 20th May 1913, though the show itself started in 1827, moving to larger venues until it settled in Chelsea. The event was created by the Royal Horticultural Society to show off the latest trends and designs in gardening and horticulture. The show took place at the Royal Hospital Chelsea, a place where retired British soldiers lived. And even though it was the first time, around 200,000 people came to see the show!

By Eva Rahman Nishi - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Topiary elephants at the Chelsea Flower Show 2014

At the first show, visitors could see all kinds of displays. There were gardens, flower arrangements, and lots of different plants on show. The 'Great Spring Show Tent' was especially popular, with lots of exotic flowers from all around the world.

Since then, the Chelsea Flower Show has grown a lot. People from all over the world come to see the newest and most creative garden designs and displays. In recent years, the show has even featured gardens with water-based plants and sculptures.

Even with all the changes, the Chelsea Flower Show is still all about celebrating nature and the beauty of plants. It inspires people to connect with nature and enjoy the amazing world of gardening.

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