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English reading practice - First Supermarket (B1/B2 intermediate level English)

In the busy part of London called Earl's Court, they opened a shop called The Premier Supermarket. This was the first supermarket ever in Britain. It changed how people bought their everyday things. This supermarket made shopping easier and more fun.

Before The Premier Supermarket, shopping for food and other things was not easy. People had to go to many small shop to get everything they needed. This took a long time and needed a lot of planning. But The Premier Supermarket changed this when it opened on this day 1st September 1951. It became a place where people could get everything they wanted in one place.

The Premier Supermarket had many things to choose from. They had lots of different items like fruits, packaged foods, milk, and things for the home. This was different from small shops that didn't have so many choices. People could try new things they never tried before.

The way The Premier Supermarket was set up was also special. It was easy to find things because the store was organised well. There were signs, markers, and items were grouped together. This made it simple to find what people needed to buy.

When The Premier Supermarket started, people started shopping in a new way. They spent more time inside, looking at items and finding new things to buy. Sometimes, they bought things they didn't plan to because the store was set up so nicely. People also liked that they could get everything in one place. This made shopping faster and simpler.

The Premier Supermarket became more than just a place to shop. It became a place where people met and talked. People from Earl's Court and nearby places came here not only to shop but to be with other people. This made shopping a social activity, bringing people together.

Opening The Premier Supermarket in Earl's Court was a big deal. It changed how people shopped. It was the first supermarket and it made shopping better. This idea of shopping changed around the UK. It made it easier and more fun to buy things every day.

Check your understanding

  1. Where was The Premier Supermarket opened, and why was it significant?

  2. How did shopping change after The Premier Supermarket existed?

  3. What made The Premier Supermarket different from small shops in terms of the variety of items available?

  4. How was the layout of The Premier Supermarket designed to help shoppers find what they needed?

  5. Besides shopping, what other role did The Premier Supermarket play in the community of Earl's Court?

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