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English reading practice - Flaming Barrels (C1/C2 Advanced learners)

In the picturesque town of Ottery St. Mary, Devon, England, an event unfolds that takes adrenaline, tradition, and community spirit to a blazing new level. Welcome to the Ottery St Mary Tar Barrel Race, a fiery spectacle that has been lighting up this tranquil corner of England for centuries. In a town where the past and present coexist harmoniously, this event is not just a race; it's a celebration of history, courage, and camaraderie.

The roots of the Tar Barrel Race are deeply entrenched in the history of Ottery St Mary. While the exact origins remain somewhat obscure, locals proudly proclaim that the tradition stretches back over four centuries. Every year on November 5th, the townsfolk gather to run the barrel. Opinion differs as to the origin of this festival of fire, but the most widely accepted version is that it began as a pagan ritual that cleanses the streets of evil spirits. To mark this historic event, they ignite barrels filled with tar and race through the streets with them atop their shoulders.

The Tar Barrel Race is not for the faint of heart. As dusk falls on the cobbled streets, the townsfolk don their protective gloves and old clothes, and each one is assigned a barrel ranging in size and weight, depending on age and skill. These barrels, drenched in flaming tar, can reach scorching temperatures, turning this race into a daring test of courage and resilience. As the fiery barrels are shouldered and paraded through the winding lanes, the atmosphere crackles with excitement.

The Tar Barrel Race is also a unique tribute to the local fire brigade, who traditionally bore the responsibility of lighting the town's beacons and warning of potential dangers. As the townsfolk run with the flaming barrels, they celebrate the fire brigade's historical role and continue to support it. All the funds raised during the event go towards maintaining the town's fire safety equipment, underscoring the community's commitment to its heroes.

Spectators gather from near and far to witness the Tar Barrel Race, and they are rarely disappointed. The spectacle of burning barrels racing through narrow lanes and around sharp corners is both thrilling and surreal. It's a mesmerising blend of fire, speed, and determination that leaves an enduring mark on those lucky enough to witness it. As the runners weave through the streets, the heat and crackling of the flames add to the palpable energy of the event.

The Ottery St Mary Tar Barrel Race is more than just a race; it's a fiery testament to the power of tradition, community, and historical celebration. This unique event reminds us that some customs refuse to be extinguished, and they continue to blaze brightly, casting their light on generations to come.

So, if you're ever in Devon in November, don't miss the opportunity to experience the Ottery St Mary Tar Barrel Race. It's a breathtaking journey into a world where history meets thrill, and where the past is carried forward in a blaze of passion. Join the townsfolk in celebrating their history and experiencing the heart-pounding adventure of the Tar Barrel Race. Just remember to bring your fire-resistant enthusiasm!

Check your understanding

  1. Where does the Ottery St Mary Tar Barrel Race take place, and what makes this event unique in terms of its historical significance and atmosphere?

  2. What is the historical background of the Tar Barrel Race, and why is its exact origin a matter of debate?

  3. Can you describe the challenges and risks that participants face during the Tar Barrel Race, and what is the significance of the flaming barrels?

  4. How does the Tar Barrel Race pay tribute to the local fire brigade, and how does it contribute to the support and maintenance of the fire safety equipment in the town?

  5. What aspects of the Tar Barrel Race make it a thrilling and surreal spectacle for both local spectators and visitors, and what message does this unique event convey about tradition and community?

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  1. Adrenaline: A hormone that the body releases in response to stress or excitement, often associated with increased energy and heightened awareness.

  2. Tradition: A custom, belief, or practice that has been passed down through generations and is often considered an integral part of a community's or culture's identity.

  3. Community Spirit: The sense of unity, cooperation, and support among the members of a community, often demonstrated through shared activities and celebrations.

  4. Obscure: Unclear, not well-known, or difficult to understand or explain.

  5. Pagan: Relating to ancient religious beliefs and practices that were not part of the major world religions, often nature-focused and rooted in local traditions.

  6. Cobbled Streets: Streets paved with cobblestones, which are naturally rounded stones used for road surfaces in historic towns.

  7. Protective Gloves: Gloves designed to shield hands from harm or injury.

  8. Flaming Tar: Tar that is burning with an open flame; tar is a viscous, black, or brownish material used in various applications, including as a fuel source.

  9. Test of Courage and Resilience: An activity or challenge that assesses a person's bravery and ability to endure difficulties and hardship.

  10. Fire Brigade: A group of firefighters who are responsible for extinguishing fires, rescuing people, and providing emergency services.

  11. Beacons: Signals or lights used to warn or guide, often in the context of emergencies or navigation.

  12. Spectators: People who watch an event or performance as observers rather than participants.

  13. Palpable Energy: A strong and noticeable sense of excitement or activity that can be felt or sensed.

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