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English reading practice -Founding of RSPCA (B1/B2 intermediate level English)

Some organisations are very important in history because they help animals and improve the world. One of these organisations in England is called the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), which started in 1824. The RSPCA has always been at the forefront of fighting for animals and has made a big difference in their lives.

The RSPCA started because people in the 19th century saw that many animals were being treated badly. They wanted to do something to stop this cruelty. They were inspired by a person named Richard Martin, who made a law to protect animals in 1822. So, on this day 16th June 1824, a group of people who cared about animals started the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Later, in 1840, Queen Victoria who liked what they were doing so much, made them the "Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals."

The RSPCA has a very important mission. They want to stop cruelty to animals and make sure they are well taken care of. They have achieved many great things over the years. They helped change the laws to protect animals. In 1835, they made a law called the Cruelty to Animals Act, and in 2006, they helped make the Animal Welfare Act. These laws say how animals should be treated and make sure they are not hurt.

The RSPCA also helps animals that are in trouble. They have rescue centres and hospitals where they take care of animals that are hurt, sick or have been treated badly. The kind people who work for the RSPCA, like vets and staff, do their best to help these animals. They treat them and try to find them new homes where they will be loved.

The RSPCA also thinks that education is important. They teach people how to take care of pets, be kind to animals, and make good choices. They do this through workshops, campaigns, and activities in communities.

The RSPCA even has special teams that work with the police to investigate and punish people who hurt animals. They collect evidence, help the police catch bad people, and make sure they are punished for what they did. They want to make sure that people know they can't get away with hurting animals.

But there is still more work to be done. Even though the RSPCA has done a lot to help animals, there are still many problems. Some people still treat animals badly, like in puppy farms or hunting endangered animals. The RSPCA wants to make the laws stronger, help people make good choices, and tell more people about the problems animals face.

The RSPCA has been helping animals for almost 200 years, and they have made a big difference. They have helped change the laws and made people more aware of how to be kind to animals. It is important for us to support organisations like the RSPCA because they make the world a better place for animals. We need to remember to be kind, respectful, and caring towards animals.

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