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English reading practice - Great Fire of London (B1/B2 intermediate level English)

In history, there are only a few events that have made such a big impact on a city this it is still remembered today. One such event is the Great Fire of London. This fire happened a long time ago, in 1666, and it caused a lot of damage. The fire burned a lot of buildings and changed the way the city looked.

The fire started on the evening of this day 2nd September in a small bakery on a street called Pudding Lane. It got bigger very quickly because the city had many wooden buildings close together, and the wind made the fire spread faster. That year, it was also very dry, which made the fire even worse.

For about four days, the fire burned everything in its path. Many churches, houses, and other buildings were destroyed. Even the famous St. Paul's Cathedral was damaged by the fire. It was hard to stop the fire because there were not enough firefighters and equipment to help.

After the fire, the people of London had a big job to do. They needed to rebuild the city. They made new rules for how buildings could be built so that fires wouldn't be so bad in the future. An architect named Sir Christopher Wren helped design the new city layout. He also designed the new St. Paul's Cathedral, which is still there today.

The fire didn't just change the city's look. It also changed how people thought about safety. People started using bricks and stones to build instead of wood, which could catch fire easily. They also introduced insurance to protect themselves from big losses.

Even though the fire caused a lot of damage, it also helped London become better. The city became stronger and safer. It showed how the city could recover and become even more amazing. The story of the Great Fire of London reminds us that even in bad times, we can find ways to make things better.

Check your understanding

  1. What event from history had a significant impact on London and is still remembered today?

  2. When did the Great Fire of London take place, and what were some of its effects on the city?

  3. How did the fire start and why did it spread quickly through the city?

  4. What challenges made it difficult to stop the Great Fire of London?

  5. How did the Great Fire of London lead to changes in the city's architecture, safety measures, and the use of materials?

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