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English reading practice - Hen Racing (C1/C2 Advanced learners)

When it comes to sports, we often think of football, basketball, or even extreme sports like skateboarding. But what if I told you that in the picturesque Derbyshire countryside, there's a sport that's anything but ordinary? Enter the world of Hen Racing, a delightful and downright quirky pastime that's been capturing the hearts of locals and tourists alike. So, grab your feathered friends and let's take a clucking good adventure!

Believe it or not, Hen Racing has roots that go back centuries. It's thought to have originated as a friendly competition among farmers in the Derbyshire region. Back in the day, farmers would pit their hens against each other to determine which was the fastest. Over time, this charming tradition evolved into a full-blown sport, complete with dedicated enthusiasts and even official competitions.

Hen Racing may seem simple at first glance, but there's more to it than meets the eye. Here are the basic rules that govern this delightful sport:

  1. Hen Racing takes place on a specially designed track, usually a grassy field or a dirt path. The track is marked with start and finish lines.

  2. Each race typically features a handful of hens, usually from different farms. These hens are trained for the event, and their owners are often just as competitive as the birds themselves.

  3. Handlers, often dressed in chicken-themed costumes, play a crucial role in Hen Racing. They stand at the starting line, encouraging their hens to make a break for it.

  4. When the race begins, the handlers release their hens simultaneously, and it's up to the feathered athletes to make a beeline for the finish line.

  5. The first hen to cross the finish line is declared the winner. Judges are present to ensure a fair race.

  6. Winners receive prestigious titles, trophies, and sometimes even cash prizes.

Hen Racing is about so much more than hens sprinting across a field. It's a celebration of community, creativity, and good old-fashioned fun. Here's why this odd sport is worth your attention:

  1. Community Spirit: Hen Racing events bring together people from all walks of life. It's a chance for neighbours and strangers alike to bond over their love for this plucky poultry.

  2. Costume Craze: Hen Racing wouldn't be the same without the elaborate costumes worn by the handlers. From chicken suits to outrageous hats, the fashion game is just as fierce as the race itself.

  3. Laughter and Entertainment: Hen Racing is bound to make you chuckle. As these hens dart and dash, their unpredictable behaviour often results in bursts of laughter from the spectators.

  4. Supporting Local Farms: Many Hen Racing events are organised by local farms as a way to promote their produce and engage with the community. It's a great opportunity to support small-scale agriculture.

Hen Racing may be one of Derbyshire's oddest sports, but it's also one of the most endearing. It's a celebration of tradition, community, and the sheer joy of watching hens dash to the finish line. So, next time you're in Derbyshire and you hear about a Hen Racing event, don't miss the chance to witness this feathered extravaganza firsthand. Who knows, you might just find yourself clucking with excitement!

Some chicken jokes to make you laugh thanks to

  • Why was the chicken so funny? She’s a real comedi-hen!

  • What do you get when you cross a chicken and a ghost? A poultry-geist!

  • What do chicken families do on the weekends? They have peck-nics!

  • What do artsy chickens enjoy? Spoken-word poultry!

  • What are chickens most afraid of? The a-peck-alypse!

  • What do you call a great chicken? Im-peck-able!

  • What movies do hens like? Chick flicks!

  • Which side of the chicken has the most feathers? The outside!

  • What do you do with a shy chicken? Get her to come out of her shell!

  • How do chickens wake up on time? Alarm clucks!

  • How do chickens send mail? In hen-velopes!

  • Why did Mozart hate chickens? All they say is “Bach, Bach, Bach!”

  • Why did the chicken go to the séance? To talk to the other side!

Check your understanding

  1. What is Hen Racing, and how did it originate?

  2. What are the basic rules of Hen Racing, including the role of handlers?

  3. What are the rewards or prizes for winning a Hen Racing competition?

  4. What are some of the reasons why Hen Racing is considered worth the attention of people in Derbyshire?

  5. How does Hen Racing bring together the community and support local farms in Derbyshire?

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  1. Hen Racing: The sport of having hens (female chickens) race against each other to determine the fastest one.

  2. Derbyshire: A region in England, known for its picturesque countryside.

  3. Quirky: Unusual or eccentric in an interesting and amusing way.

  4. Dedicated enthusiasts: People who are very passionate and committed to the sport.

  5. Handlers: Individuals responsible for taking care of and directing the hens during the race.

  6. Beeline: A direct, quick, and straight path.

  7. Prestigious: Something that is respected and valued.

  8. Bursts of laughter: Sudden and hearty bouts of laughter.

  9. Small-scale agriculture: Farming on a smaller, local level, often focused on sustainable and community-based practices.

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