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English reading practice - Horn Blower of Ripon (B1/B2 intermediate level English)

In the town of Ripon, England, there's a very old tradition. It's about a person called the Horn Blower They blow a special horn and wear special clothes. This tradition has been around for a very long time.

A long time ago, in the year 886 AD, when a king named Alfred the Great was ruling, Ripon got a special privilege. They could blow a horn to show they were free from Viking rule. This was an honour, and they promised to protect it forever.

Every night at 9 PM, in the middle of Ripon's Market Square, the Horn Blower goes to an old stone called the Wakeman's House. They wear clothes from when knights were around and use a very old horn. When the clock tower says it's nine, they blow the horn really loud. They blow the horn in all four corners of the stone and then at the Mayor's house. It reminds everyone that Ripon is still free. It sounds a bit spooky and takes you back to a long time ago.

Being the Horn Blower in Rippon is a big honour. Now, a team does it, including the first woman Hornblower! There are four horns in the city. The oldest one is called the Charter Horn. It's very old, and they keep it in the Town Hall. It hangs on a special belt with silver badges. A second horn from 1690 is a backup, and the third one from 1865 is what they use most of the time. The fourth horn, from 1886, came from a place called Chillingham. They keep these on special belts too.

The people in Ripon work hard to keep this tradition alive. They know the Horn Blower isn't just someone blowing a horn. They are a symbol of the town's identity and the protector of their freedom.

In a world that's always busy and changes a lot, the Horn Blower in Rippon is a strong protector of Ripon's history. This tradition reminds us how important it is to remember where we come from and to work together as a community. Ripon may be a small town, but its history is big.

If you ever go to Ripon, stand in Market Square at 9 pm. When the clock tower says nine, close your eyes and listen to the horn. You'll feel like you're part of Ripon's history, and it's a special moment you won't forget.

Check your understanding

  1. What is the main tradition involving the Horn Blower in Ripon, England?

  2. When did Ripon receive the privilege of blowing the horn, and why was it significant?

  3. Where does the Horn Blower perform their duties in Ripon, and at what time?

  4. How many horns does the city of Ripon have?

  5. What does the tradition of the Horn Blower symbolise for the people of Ripon, and why do they work hard to preserve it?

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  1. Privilege: A special advantage or right granted to a person or group of people.

  2. Viking rule: Refers to the time when the Vikings, a historical group of seafarers and warriors, ruled over certain areas in England.

  3. Spooky: Scary or eerie in a way that might make you feel frightened or uneasy.

  4. Honour: A sign of high respect or esteem.

  5. Symbol: A representation of an idea, concept, or identity.

  6. Identity: Who or what a person, group, or place is and what makes them unique.

  7. Protector: Someone or something that safeguards and defends.

  8. Community: A group of people living in the same area who share common interests, values, and goals.

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