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English reading practice -Invention of the Mac (B1/B2 intermediate level English)

Living in the UK, we all know how the weather can be a real pain. It can ruin our plans and make us wonder what to wear. Will we end up soaked on our way to work? But there's one person who changed the way we protect ourselves from the rain. His name is Charles Macintosh, and he was a chemist and inventor from Scotland. He made a special coat that was completely waterproof, and it transformed the way we deal with bad weather.

Charles Macintosh was born in Glasgow, Scotland in 1766. He loved to experiment and learn new things, so he became a chemical manufacturer and engineer.

Back in the early 19th century, raincoats were made of fabrics treated with oil. They could resist water to some extent, but they were uncomfortable and not very durable. But then Charles Macintosh had a brilliant idea in 1823. He found a way to bond two pieces of fabric together with a layer of rubber in between, creating a material that was completely waterproof.

He did this by dissolving rubber in a liquid called coal naphtha, which comes from petroleum. This allowed the rubber to spread evenly on the fabric. The fabric that he created became known as Mackintosh cloth. It was flexible, strong, and water couldn't get through it. It was the perfect material for raincoats. Charles Macintosh's invention was a big step forward in making clothes that were practical and useful. He patented it on this day 17th June 1823.

After creating his waterproof fabric, Charles Macintosh started a company called Charles Macintosh and Co. in Glasgow. His waterproof coats became very popular all over the United Kingdom. People started calling them "Macs" or "Mackintoshes." They were not only good for keeping you dry but also became a fashionable symbol of protection against the rain.

Charles Macintosh didn't stop with raincoats. He used his knowledge of chemistry to help make buildings waterproof and improve gas lighting. He was a clever and innovative person who had an impact in many areas.

Even though he had a great invention, Charles Macintosh faced some difficulties in his career. Some people didn't like the strong smell of his waterproof fabric, which came from the coal naphtha. And some others tried to copy his invention without permission, which caused him financial problems later on.

Charles Macintosh showed us how science and practical thinking can come together to make something amazing. He inspires inventors and designers to this day.

So next time you put on your waterproof jacket and confidently face the stormy weather, take a moment to think about where it all came from. Charles Macintosh's ideas and creations still have an impact on the fashion world today. They remind us of how science, creativity, and practicality can work together. And even though the UK might be experiencing a heatwave now, we all know that the rain will return soon enough.

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