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English reading practice -Joseph Rowntree Born (B1/B2 intermediate level English)

Updated: May 31, 2023

Joseph Rowntree was a person who cared a lot about others and wanted to make the world better. He was a philanthropist and worked to change society. He was born on this day 24th May 1836, in York, England. His family was important in the Quaker community, and he inherited a successful sweet business from his father. But Joseph Rowntree wanted to do more than just make money. He believed that business owners should help their employees and the community.

Joseph Rowntree's beliefs about making society better came from his Quaker upbringing. He believed that every person was valuable and deserved respect. He saw that poverty and unfairness were causing problems, so he used his money and influence to try to fix these issues. He thought that poverty was not the fault of individuals but rather something that needed to be changed by everyone working together.

One important thing that Joseph Rowntree did was research poverty. In 1899, he wrote a famous study called "Poverty: A Study of Town Life." This study showed how hard life was for people who were poor. It challenged what people thought about poverty and called for big changes to fix the root causes of the problem.

Rowntree also understood that being poor often meant having bad working conditions. So in his own sweet factories, he made things better for the workers. He gave them shorter hours, paid holidays, and sick leave. He believed that if workers had good pay and a good life, they would be happier and do better work.

Joseph Rowntree didn't just focus on his own business. He also wanted the government to make changes to help people. He pushed for laws that would give old people pensions and create programmes to take care of people's health. His work had a big impact and made life better for many people.

Even today, Joseph Rowntree's work is remembered and helps people. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation was created in 1904 and still works to fight poverty and unfairness in the United Kingdom. The foundation does research, speaks up for people, and takes action to make things better. Rowntree's ideas about how to make society better have influenced many other people and continue to inspire those who want to create a fair and equal world.

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