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English reading practice - Life Begins at 40 (B1/B2 intermediate level English)

Today's post is a bit different because it's my birthday. On this day, 11th July 1983, I was born. I wanted to take a moment to think about things, so here it is...

Life is like a big adventure, full of ups and downs, successes and challenges, and many chances to learn and discover ourselves. As I reach a big milestone in life and turn 40, it has made me think about the past and the wisdom I've gained from my experiences. It's a time to celebrate how far I've come and look forward to the future with a positive attitude, embracing the changes that come with this new chapter.

I think when we turn 40, we start to understand how important it is to accept ourselves. We learn to appreciate our unique qualities, quirks, and flaws. We realise that real beauty comes from inside and that being confident means accepting and loving ourselves completely. It's a time to let go of self-doubt and believe in ourselves. I've been working on this for the past few years, especially after going through some major changes in my life. I can say that I'm getting better at accepting myself, but we all need to keep working on it for better mental health and well-being.

When we turn 40, it's also a chance to recognise and celebrate our accomplishments. We should take a moment to think about the goals we've achieved, the obstacles we've overcome, and the moments of success that have shaped us. We should remember that our journey has been filled with achievements, both big and small, and each one has made us the amazing person we are today. Sometimes we focus too much on what we wish we could change, but let's not forget what we've already done with our lives. Personally, I've experienced love, loss, more love and have travelled, all of it has helped shape me into who I am now.

When we reach 40, we start to feel a sense of freedom—a newfound ability to explore and embrace change. We understand that personal growth happens when we step outside of our comfort zone and try new things. We're not afraid to take risks and go on exciting adventures. This year has been a big step outside my comfort zone. I changed my job and moved to a new country, facing all the challenges that came with it.

As we enter this new phase of life, we begin to appreciate the value of genuine connections. We make it a priority to nurture relationships with family, friends, and loved ones. We understand that true companionship is built on trust, empathy, and shared experiences. We cherish the connections that have stood the test of time and welcome new relationships with kindred spirits who bring depth and meaning to our lives.

I think when we turn 40, we also start to understand the importance of taking care of ourselves—our minds, bodies, and spirits. We realise that self-care is not selfish but necessary for our overall well-being. We should practice self-care as a priority by engaging in activities that replenish our energy, restore our balance, and allow us to be the best version of ourselves for others. One of the ways I practice self-care is by spending time on the beach, watching the waves. I've been taking more time for myself and less time working, simplifying my life and living in the present moment.

Turning 40 sparks a renewed sense of purpose and a reimagining of our dreams. It's a time to discover new passions, set fresh goals, and pursue our aspirations with determination. We believe in the power of reinvention and understand that age doesn't limit our ability to achieve greatness. I'm not sure if it's because I'm getting older or if I just realised that it's now or never, but I'm glad I took the leap into this adventure.

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