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English reading practice - Luna's Tail (C1/C2 Advanced learners)

Yesterday Luna (my cat) came home with some bad cuts and refusing to walk on one of her legs. While running around trying to sort out a hire car and appointment with the vet I tried to imagine what Luna would say happened if she got the chance. So today is a little change from the usual and here is Luna's tail.

In the heart of a quaint little town, nestled among the palm trees and colourful houses, there lived a curious cat named Luna. Luna was known throughout the neighbourhood for her adventurous spirit and her knack for getting into all sorts of mischief.

One sunny morning, she found herself in the box of doom and taken by the metal monster to the office of Dr. Anderson. Luna was gazing longingly at the world outside wishing she could be out playing instead of this horrible place but her paw really hurt after last night's adventure and her Mama seemed very worried.

Inside the clinic, the soft hum of fluorescent lights and the gentle whirr of medical equipment surrounded Luna as she nervously waited for her turn to see the vet. Her once sleek fur was now ruffled and matted, and there was a pronounced limp in her left front leg. Luna had taken quite a tumble, and she was determined to share her tale.

Dr. Anderson, a kind and patient veterinarian, entered the room with a warm smile. "Hello, Luna," she said soothingly as she examined her injury. "How did this happen?"

Luna took a deep breath, her eyes widening with dramatic flair. "Oh, Dr. Anderson, you won't believe it! I was in a fierce battle with a group of mischievous monkeys! They swung from tree branches, chattering and throwing bananas at me. There must have been about 20 of them. I leapt, I pounced, and I fought valiantly, but in the end, they pushed me off a cliff!"

Dr. Anderson blinked in surprise. "Monkeys and a cliff, you say? That's quite an adventure, Luna."

But Luna wasn't finished, her imagination soared. "Yes, indeed! But that wasn't even the most thrilling part. After I tumbled off the cliff I fell through the jungle. I found myself in the lair of a cunning tiger. We locked eyes, and I knew it was a battle of wits. We circled each other, each trying to outsmart the other, until finally, I outwitted the ferocious beast and made my escape!"

Dr. Anderson couldn't help but chuckle. "You have quite the imagination, Luna. But let's be serious. What really happened?"

Luna sighed and lowered her head. "Well, if you must know, Dr. Anderson, I was just being my usual curious self. I was exploring a wall, trying to catch a particularly elusive butterfly, when I slipped and fell."

The vet smiled warmly, her eyes filled with understanding. "Ah, I see. Well, accidents happen, even to the bravest of adventurers like you, Luna."

With gentle care, Dr. Anderson tended to Luna's injury, cleaning the wound and applying a bandage. Luna, though disappointed that her story of monkeys and tigers wasn't real, couldn't help but purr in contentment at the attention she received.

As Luna left the vet clinic with a lighter heart but with a horrible collar and freshly bandaged leg, she couldn't help but chuckle to herself. Maybe, just maybe, I should leave the real adventures in the stories I tell and stay safe in the future.

I am sure Luna will be back to her usual fun adventures soon but I really wish she wouldn't make me worry and come home injured like she did yesterday. We will never know what really happened but it was fun to imagine her story.

Check your understanding

  1. Who is Luna, and what is her reputation in the neighbourhood?

  2. What caused Luna's injury that required a visit to Dr. Anderson's office?

  3. How does Luna initially describe the cause of her injury?

  4. How does Dr. Anderson react to Luna's imaginative story, and what does she ultimately discover about what really happened to Luna?

  5. How does Luna feel after receiving treatment from Dr. Anderson, and what decision does she contemplate regarding future adventures?

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She really is fine now

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