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English reading practice - Nuclear Revolution (B1/B2 intermediate level English)

In 1956, something very important happened in Britain. They opened a new way to make electricity, which was their first nuclear power station called Calder Hall. This was a big step forward in finding cleaner and more energy for the country. This happened after World War II when Britain needed to fix lots of things and make sure they had enough power. People thought that using nuclear energy could help a lot.

On this day 20th August 1956, Calder Hall officially opened. It was a powerful station that used nuclear reactions to make electricity. This was a big project that a group of people and companies worked together to build. The station was in Cumberland, which is now called Cumbria, in England.

Calder Hall had special reactors, called Magnox reactors, that used Uranium to make heat. This heat was used to create steam, which then made big machines called turbines spin. These turbines made electricity. This showed that nuclear energy could be a good way to make clean power.

Calder Hall changed how Britain got electricity. It gave us a lot of electricity that we needed for homes and businesses. This was better for the environment because it used less fossil fuels, like coal. It also made Britain more secure with its energy supply. Other power plants learned from Calder Hall's technology and made even better ways to use nuclear energy.

By UK government agencies -, OGL 3,

Even though Calder Hall was successful, it also made people worry about safety, waste, and the environment. Some people were afraid of accidents with nuclear energy. They also thought about how to deal with the waste that nuclear power makes. Over time, people thought more about how to make nuclear energy safer and better for the planet.

In the end, Calder Hall was an important start for nuclear power in Britain. It showed that nuclear energy could help the country in many ways. It also made people think about how to use this kind of energy responsibly. The story of Calder Hall reminds us that new ideas can make big changes, and we need to keep finding better ways to make clean energy for our future.

Check your understanding

  1. What important event happened in Britain in 1956?

  2. What was Calder Hall, and why was it significant?

  3. How did Calder Hall use nuclear reactions to generate electricity?

  4. What changes did Calder Hall bring to how Britain got its electricity?

  5. What were some of the concerns people had about Calder Hall and nuclear energy?

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