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English reading practice - Record Breakers - Blindfolded Brilliance (C1/C2 Advanced)

In the world of record-breaking feats, some make you raise an eyebrow, and then some make your jaw drop in disbelief. Elavarasan S, a speed typing maestro hailing from India, falls squarely into the latter category with his mind-boggling achievement: typing the English alphabet backwards blindfolded in a lightning-fast 5.32 seconds!

It's September 18, 2022, in the bustling city of Mumbai, India. Elavarasan, with his nimble fingers and unshakeable determination, takes on the challenge of a lifetime. With the audience holding their breath, he dons his trusty blindfold, ready to take the typing world by storm.

As the timer begins, his fingers dance across the keys with unmatched precision and speed. Each keystroke is deliberate, and each movement is calculated. It's as if his fingers have a mind of their own, effortlessly navigating the keyboard in reverse order. Z, Y, X... the letters fly by in a blur, leaving spectators in awe of his incredible skill.

But let's not forget the extra element of difficulty here – being blindfolded adds an extra layer of complexity to an already daunting task. One wrong keystroke could spell disaster, yet he remains unfazed. His years of practice and dedication shine through as he conquers the challenge with finesse.

This isn't Elavarasan's first rodeo when it comes to breaking speed typing records. Oh no, he's a seasoned pro in the world of rapid keystrokes. In the past, he's claimed titles such as the fastest time to type the alphabet on a touchscreen mobile phone with a single hand and even the fastest time to type the alphabet with his hands behind his back. Clearly, this guy doesn't back down from a challenge – he embraces it with gusto!

So, what's the secret to his lightning-fast typing prowess? Is it years of intense training? A special technique known only to him? Perhaps a sprinkle of magic? Well, whatever it is, one thing's for sure – it's certainly paying off!

As news of his record-breaking feat spreads far and wide, aspiring typists around the globe are left in awe of his remarkable achievement. Some may even dare to follow in his footsteps, practising their reverse alphabet typing skills in the hopes of one day reaching dizzying heights and maybe even breaking the record for themselves.

But for now, let's raise a virtual toast to Elavarasan S, the typing titan from India who defied the odds, shattered records, and left us all marvelling at the incredible things that can be accomplished with a keyboard and a whole lot of determination – may your fingers continue to fly and your records continue to fall!

Check your understanding

  1. What was the date and location of Elavarasan S's record-breaking feat of typing the alphabet backwards blindfolded?

  2. Describe Elavarasan S's previous achievements in the realm of speed typing.

  3. How did Elavarasan's blindfolded typing challenge add an extra layer of complexity to the task?

  4. What was the approximate duration of Elavarasan's record-breaking typing feat?

  5. How does the article characterize Elavarasan's approach to challenges and his impact on aspiring typists worldwide?

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  1. Nimble: Agile and quick in movement or action; characterized by ease and lightness.

  2. Unfazed: Not perturbed or affected by something, remaining calm and composed in the face of difficulty or adversity.

  3. Conquers: To overcome or defeat something, typically a challenge or obstacle, with success.

  4. Finesse: Refinement or delicacy in skill, often suggesting an elegant or subtle approach to achieving a desired outcome.

  5. Prowess: Exceptional skill or expertise in a particular field or activity, often implying superior ability or achievement.

  6. Titan: In this context, it refers metaphorically to someone who is exceptionally strong, skilled, or successful in a particular domain.

  7. Dizzying heights: A figurative expression referring to great or astonishing levels of achievement or success, often implying a sense of awe or vertigo-inducing magnitude.

  8. Aspiring: Desiring or seeking to achieve something, typically implying ambition or motivation to attain a particular goal.

  9. Marvelling: To be filled with wonder, admiration, or astonishment at something remarkable.

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