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English reading practice - Record Breakers - Going Bananas (C1/C2 Advanced)

Marathons are known for pushing the limits of human endurance, but some participants take it a step further by adding a twist. Meet Anthony Wardle, the man who not only conquered the gruelling 26.2-mile race but did so dressed as one of our favourite fruits – a banana! That's right; Anthony holds the record for the Fastest Marathon Dressed as a Fruit, and his journey from start to finish tape is a tale that's as entertaining as it is inspiring.

The bustling streets of London, are packed with eager runners, enthusiastic supporters, and of course, Anthony – a potassium-packed phenomenon ready to make marathon history. As the starting gun echoes through the city, Anthony, adorned head to toe in yellow, begins his epic quest.

Being dressed in a banana costume might sound like a recipe for disaster – think chafing, limited mobility, and the constant risk of being mistaken for a post-race snack – but Anthony defied all odds. With every stride, he peeled through the course with a combination of determination and sheer fruit-filled energy.

Navigating through the throngs of runners, Anthony's presence was impossible to miss. Spectators cheered louder for the man in the banana suit, offering words of encouragement that were both uplifting and, undoubtedly, a little fruity. But Anthony didn't let the attention distract him; he remained focused on his goal – to break the record and leave his mark on marathon folklore.

As the miles ticked by, Anthony's determination never wavered. His banana costume, which could have easily been a hindrance, seemed to become an extension of his identity, symbolising not just a quirky choice of attire, but a testament to his unwavering spirit and zest for life.

Then, as the finish line loomed into view, Anthony unleashed a final burst of energy. With the crowd roaring in support, he sprinted towards glory, crossing the finish line in a blistering time of 2 hours, 58 minutes, and 20 seconds – a new world record for the Fastest Marathon Dressed as a Fruit!

In the aftermath of his incredible feat, Anthony's story has captured the hearts and imaginations of people around the world. His journey serves as a reminder that in the world of marathon running, anything is possible – even setting records while dressed as a piece of fruit.

But Anthony's achievement isn't just about breaking records; it's about the joy of pushing boundaries, embracing the unconventional, and proving that with determination and a little bit of whimsy, we can accomplish extraordinary things.

So, the next time you find yourself facing a daunting challenge, remember Anthony Wardle – the man who went bananas and emerged victorious. Who knows? Maybe a touch of fruit-inspired flair is just what you need to peel away the doubts and reach your own personal finish line.

Check your understanding

  1. What is the Guinness World Record that Anthony Wardle holds?

  2. Describe Anthony Wardle's attire during the marathon.

  3. What were some potential challenges Anthony faced by running dressed as a banana?

  4. How did Anthony's presence affect the atmosphere of the race?

  5. What was Anthony's finishing time?

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  1. Peel: To remove the outer covering or skin of something, such as a fruit or the name given to this covering.

  2. Chafing: The irritation or soreness caused by friction, often between clothing and the skin during physical activity.

  3. Throng: A large, densely packed group of people or things.

  4. Loomed into view: To appear suddenly and seem large or threatening.

  5. Blistering: Extremely fast or impressive in speed or intensity.

  6. Whimsy: Playfully quaint or fanciful behaviour or humour.

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