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English reading practice - River Crossing (B1/B2 intermediate level English)

In the peaceful English countryside, there's a special place called the Aldwark Toll Bridge. It's a simple bridge on the River Ure that's incredibly important for local folks and a nice surprise for travellers. This friendly bridge is a doorway to fun, history, and saving money! Let's explore the world of Aldwark Bridge, where paying just 40 pence can help you avoid a long 25-mile trip and give you more than just a way to cross the river.

Aldwark Bridge might not be the fanciest structure in England, but it's very valuable! For only 40 pence, you can cross the bridge and avoid the trouble of a long detour. It's like having a special ticket for a quicker and more beautiful journey.

When you get closer to Aldwark Bridge, you'll hear the calming sounds of the River. This peaceful river flows through the lovely countryside of North Yorkshire, making it a great place to relax and enjoy nature. Take a moment to listen to the river as it tells stories of the past.

Aldwark Bridge is a special bridge built in 1835, and it's a piece of Victorian engineering. It connects two pretty villages, Aldwark and Flawith. Crossing it feels like going back in time while you're surrounded by the beautiful countryside.

If you're watching your spending, Aldwark Bridge is a hidden hero. It only costs 40 pence to cross, so you can save your money. Plus, it saves you a lot of time compared to a 25-mile detour to the next bridge.

Aldwark Toll Bridge in North Yorkshire. Photograph: Ian S /

With the River beneath you and green landscapes as far as you can see, Aldwark Bridge isn't just for crossing the river; it's a place to visit. Whether you're on a relaxing drive or a cycling adventure, this bridge is a great spot to stop and enjoy the view. You can have a picnic, breathe the fresh air, and look at the beautiful scenery.

Aldwark Bridge is a great starting point to explore the charming villages of Aldwark and Flawith. You can walk around these classic English villages and find nice tearooms and historic places to meet friendly locals.

This bridge also opens the door to enjoying nature. You can enjoy the peaceful River Ure and the nearby meadows. It's an excellent place for birdwatching, so don't forget your binoculars if you love birds.

Aldwark Bridge might not be the most famous place in England, but it's definitely one of the most lovable. For just a few coins, you can have a shortcut through the pretty Yorkshire countryside and create wonderful memories. So, the next time you're near the River Ure and you see Aldwark Bridge, don't hesitate to pay the 40 pence toll. It's a ticket to a trip that saves you time and money and refreshes your soul. Enjoy your journey across this hidden treasure and remember that sometimes the most enjoyable adventures don't cost much.

Check your understanding

  1. What is the Aldwark Toll Bridge, and why is it significant for local people and travellers?

  2. How much does it cost to cross the Aldwark Bridge, and what does this fee help you avoid?

  3. What kind of experience can you have as you approach the Aldwark Bridge and listen to the River Ure?

  4. When was Aldwark Bridge built, and what two villages does it connect?

  5. How does Aldwark Bridge provide an opportunity for budget-conscious travellers, and what makes it a worthwhile place to visit beyond being a river crossing?

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  1. Detour: A detour is a longer or alternative route you take to reach your destination when the usual or direct path is blocked or less convenient.

  2. Budget-conscious: Being budget-conscious means being careful about your spending and trying to save money where possible.

  3. Picnic: A picnic is a meal that you bring with you and eat outdoors, often in a park or a scenic spot.

  4. Birdwatching: Birdwatching is the activity of observing and identifying birds in their natural habitat, often using binoculars or telescopes.

  5. Lovable: Something or someone that is lovable is very easy to like or have affection for because they are charming or endearing.

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