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English reading practice -The Lawnmower goes into Mass Production (B1/B2 intermediate level English)

Have you ever seen a grassy garden or park that has been trimmed evenly and looks neat? You can thank the lawn mower for that! A lawn mower is a machine that is used to cut the grass in gardens and parks. It was invented by a man named Edwin Budding in England and on this day 18th May 1830, he signed an agreement so the machine could go into mass production. Before the lawn mower, people had to cut grass with a scythe, which was hard work and took a long time.

Budding's lawn mower was a cylinder of blades attached to a wheeled frame. The blades were rotated and the machine was pushed along by the operator. At first, the lawn mower was expensive and only wealthy people could afford it. However, as manufacturing techniques improved, the price came down, and middle-class people could buy it too.

The lawn mower made lawn care easier and faster. People could cut the grass in a fraction of the time it took with a scythe. As a result, lawns became more popular and accessible to everyone. Nowadays, we see lawns everywhere - in gardens, parks, and even at schools and offices. The lawn mower has revolutionised the way we care for our lawns and has made them a part of our daily lives.

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