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English reading practice - The Merchant Royal Sinks (B1/B2 intermediate level English)

Deep in the stormy Atlantic Ocean, there's a story that has fascinated people for a very long time. It's about a ship called the Merchant Royal, which was a big, old boat from the 1600s. Sadly, on this day 23rd September 1641, something terrible happened. It sank deep into the sea, taking with it incredible treasures and gold, making it a famous tale of lost riches.

The Merchant Royal was a special ship known as the "Eagle of the Seas." It was massive and strong, built in 1627. During the 1600s, it was part of England's fleet of ships, and those were times when countries were competing for trade routes and colonies around the world.

In September 1641, the Merchant Royal went on its last journey. It set sail from the New World, probably somewhere in the Spanish Main, and was heading back to England. Onboard, it had a treasure trove of gold, silver, jewels, and all sorts of special items from faraway lands. People today think all those treasures might be worth hundreds of millions or even billions of pounds!

The ship was also carrying a man named Sir William Parkhurst, who was a special guest. He had been England's Ambassador to Spain and was now returning home. So, with all the riches and an important diplomat onboard, the Merchant Royal was a really important ship.

Now, here's where things get mysterious. We don't know exactly what happened when the Merchant Royal sank. There aren't many old records about it, and most of what we know comes from stories and guesses. What we do know is that on that night, a huge storm hit the ship off the coast of Cornwall, England. The sea was wild, and the winds were incredibly strong. Even though the Merchant Royal was known for being fast and strong, it couldn't survive the powerful storm.

As the storm went on, the Merchant Royal couldn't fight the huge waves, and it ended up sinking deep into the ocean. Sadly, everyone on board, including the treasures, disappeared beneath the waves. Back in those days, shipwrecks like this were sadly quite common.

As time passed, the legend of the Merchant Royal grew. People who loved adventure and treasure tried to find the ship and its riches, but it was really hard. The ocean floor is tough to explore, and they didn't have good maps to help them.

But in recent years, we've gotten better at exploring the deep sea. We now have special submarines and underwater scientists who have been looking off the coast of Cornwall to try and find the Merchant Royal. They've found some special things from the ship, but most of the treasure is still hidden deep underwater, covered in mud and sand.

People hope that with new technology, we might one day uncover all the secrets of the Merchant Royal. Until then, the story of the Merchant Royal remains one of the biggest mysteries of the sea, waiting to be solved.

Check your understanding

  1. What was the Merchant Royal, and why is it considered a famous story related to the sea?

  2. When was the Merchant Royal built, and what made it remarkable among ships of its time?

  3. Where did the Merchant Royal set sail from on its final journey, and what valuable cargo did it carry?

  4. What do we know about the circumstances of the Merchant Royal's sinking, and why did it encounter difficulties during the storm?

  5. How has modern technology and exploration improved our chances of uncovering the secrets of the Merchant Royal, and why is the ship's story still considered a significant maritime mystery?

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