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English reading practice - The Proms (B1/B2 intermediate level English)

For people who love music and enjoy culture, the Proms in England are really important. They are a big part of England's music history and a way for artists to express themselves. The Proms are a series of classical music concerts that happen every year. They are officially called the BBC Proms, or just "The Proms," and they have been happening for over 100 years.

The Proms started many years ago during a period when England was changing culturally. They were started on this day 10th August 1895 by Robert Newman and Henry Wood. They wanted to make classical music something that more people could enjoy. The first concert was held in the Queen's Hall in London, and it was really successful. People from all different backgrounds came together to enjoy the music.

One special thing about the Proms is that they want classical music to be available to everyone. They sell tickets at prices that most people can afford, so it doesn't matter how much money you have – you can still go and listen to the music. This idea of including everyone has always been important for the Proms. It helps create a diverse and excited audience who come together to celebrate beautiful symphony music.

The "Last Night of the Proms" is a big celebration at the end of the series. It's the grand finale, and it happens at the Royal Albert Hall. This event is all about celebrating British culture and feeling proud to be British. People in the audience wave flags and sing traditional songs. It's a really exciting time when people feel like they're all part of something special because of the music.

The Proms have a long history, and they've kept classical music alive while also trying new things. They don't just play old music – they also play new and different music. They've even introduced new music and collaborations between artists. The Proms change to match what's happening in the music world, and they show people new and creative compositions that might be different from what they're used to.

The Proms are known all around the world. People who love music from far away can listen to concerts because they're broadcast on TV and the Internet. This makes the Proms a way for people to connect no matter where they are. It shows that music can bring people together even if they speak different languages or come from different cultures.

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