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English reading practice - Travel - A Capsule Wardrobe for Cold Weather (C1/C2 Advanced)

Planning a getaway to a cold country conjures images of snowy landscapes, cosy evenings by the fire, and perhaps a chance to witness the breathtaking beauty of winter. But amidst the excitement of your upcoming adventure, there's one aspect that requires careful consideration: packing. Fear not! With the right approach to packing, you can enjoy your cold-weather holiday to the fullest without being weighed down by bulky bags. Here's how to pack a capsule wardrobe for your next chilly escapade:

1. Research Your Destination: Before you begin packing, research the climate and weather conditions of your destination. Consider factors such as average temperatures, precipitation levels, and any specific weather patterns unique to the region. This knowledge will guide your clothing choices and ensure you're prepared for whatever Mother Nature has in store.

2. Layer, Layer, Layer: Layering is the golden rule for staying warm and comfortable in cold weather. Instead of packing bulky sweaters and heavy coats, opt for several thin layers that can be easily added or removed as needed. Choose moisture-wicking base layers, insulating mid-layers, and weather-resistant outer layers to create a versatile and efficient layering system.

3. Stick to a Co-ordinated Colour Palette: Selecting a cohesive colour palette for your capsule wardrobe will make mixing and matching outfits a breeze. Stick to neutral colours like black, grey, navy, and beige, which are not only timeless but also easy to pair with each other. Adding a few pops of colour with accessories like scarves or hats can help liven up your winter ensemble.

4. Choose Quality Fabrics: Invest in high-quality fabrics that offer warmth, breathability, and durability. Look for materials like wool, cashmere, fleece, and down, which provide excellent insulation without adding bulk. Opt for thermal or moisture-wicking fabrics for your base layers to keep you dry and comfortable throughout the day.

5. Embrace Versatile Pieces: Select clothing items that can be mixed and matched to create a variety of outfits. A few key pieces like a tailored coat, a versatile sweater, a pair of insulated trousers, and a cosy scarf can be combined in different ways to suit various activities and occasions.

6. Pack Functional Accessories: Accessories are essential for staying warm and adding style to your winter wardrobe. Pack practical accessories like gloves, hats, scarves, and earmuffs to protect exposed areas from the cold. Choose items made from insulating materials like wool or fleece for maximum warmth.

7. Don't Forget About Footwear: Choosing the right footwear is crucial for staying comfortable and safe in cold weather conditions. Pack a pair of insulated boots with good traction to keep your feet warm and dry in snowy or icy terrain. Consider investing in waterproof or water-resistant boots to protect against slush and puddles.

8. Pack Smart: Maximize space in your bags by rolling your clothes instead of folding them. This not only saves space but also helps prevent wrinkles. Use packing cubes or compression bags to keep your clothing organised and separate clean clothes from dirty ones. Don't forget to leave room in your suitcase for souvenirs and mementoes from your trip.

9. Edit, Edit, Edit: Once you've assembled your capsule wardrobe, take a critical look and edit out any unnecessary items. Be ruthless in eliminating anything you don't absolutely need or love. Remember, the key to successful packing for a cold-weather vacation is to pack light and smart.

With these tips in mind, you can pack a capsule wardrobe that's perfect for your cold-weather getaway. Whether you're hitting the slopes, exploring charming winter villages, or simply enjoying the beauty of a snowy landscape, you'll be well-prepared to embrace the magic of winter with style and ease. Safe travels!

Here is my suggested packing list


  1. Long-sleeved Thermal Base Layers: Pack two or three thermal tops in moisture-wicking fabric to keep you warm and dry.

  2. Versatile Sweaters: Bring two or three sweaters in neutral colours like black, grey, or navy. Opt for styles that can be dressed up or down.

  3. Button-Up Flannel or Plaid Shirt: Pack a cosy flannel or plaid shirt for a casual yet classic look.


  1. Insulated Trousers or Jeans: Choose one or two pairs of insulated trousers or jeans to keep your legs warm in chilly temperatures.

  2. Leggings or Thermal Tights: Pack a pair of thermal leggings or tights to wear under your jeans for extra warmth on particularly cold days.


  1. Knit Dress: Bring along a versatile knit dress that can be layered with tights and a sweater for added warmth.


  1. Tailored Coat: Invest in a high-quality tailored coat in a neutral colour like black, grey, or camel. Choose a style that hits mid-thigh or longer for maximum warmth.

  2. Waterproof or Water-Resistant Jacket: Pack a waterproof or water-resistant jacket with insulation for protection against rain or snow.

  3. Scarf, Gloves, and Hat: Don't forget to pack a warm scarf, gloves, and hat to protect your extremities from the cold.


  1. Insulated Boots: Bring a pair of insulated boots with good traction to keep your feet warm and dry in snowy or icy conditions.

  2. Comfortable Walking Shoes: Pack a pair of comfortable walking shoes or trainers for indoor activities or milder weather.


  1. Thermal Socks: Pack several pairs of thermal socks to keep your feet warm and dry.

  2. Ear Muffs or Ear Warmers: Consider bringing ear muffs or ear warmers to protect your ears from the cold wind.

  3. Winter Accessories: Bring along any additional winter accessories you may need, such as a neck gaiter, balaclava, or hand warmers.


  1. Thermal Underwear: Pack thermal underwear or base layers to keep you warm and comfortable throughout the day.

  2. Enough Underwear and Socks: Bring enough underwear and socks to last the duration of your trip, plus a few extra pairs.


  1. Moisturising Skincare Products: Pack moisturising skincare products to combat dry skin caused by cold weather.

  2. Lip Balm: Don't forget to pack lip balm to prevent chapped lips in cold, windy conditions.

  3. Hand Cream: Bring along hand cream to keep your hands moisturised and soft.


  1. Reusable Water Bottle: Stay hydrated by bringing a reusable water bottle with you on your adventures.

  2. Travel-sized Umbrella: Pack a compact, travel-sized umbrella to protect yourself from unexpected rain or snow showers.

Check your understanding

  1. What are the key principles to keep in mind when packing for a cold-weather vacation, according to the article?

  2. How does the article suggest approaching the selection of colours for your capsule wardrobe?

  3. Name three types of outerwear recommended for a one-week vacation in a cold country.

  4. What type of footwear does the article recommend for snowy or icy conditions?

  5. Why is layering described as the "golden rule" for staying warm in cold weather, and how does it contribute to the effectiveness of a capsule wardrobe?

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  1. Insulation: Material or a layer that prevents the passage of heat, thus helping to keep warmth trapped inside and cold outside.

  2. Moisture-wicking: A fabric or material that can pull moisture (such as sweat) away from the body, keeping the wearer dry and comfortable.

  3. Balaclava: A close-fitting garment that covers the head, neck, and often part of the face, typically made of wool or synthetic fabric, worn especially for warmth in cold weather.

  4. Gaiter: A protective covering worn over the shoe and lower pant leg, typically made of waterproof material, to prevent snow, water, or debris from entering the footwear.

  5. Ear muffs: A pair of soft padded coverings connected by a band or wire, worn over the ears to protect them from cold temperatures or loud noise.

  6. Base layer: A layer of clothing worn next to the skin, typically made of moisture-wicking fabric, designed to provide warmth and regulate body temperature.

  7. Compression bags: Bags designed to compress clothing or other items to reduce their volume, typically used to save space in luggage or storage.

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