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English reading practice - Travel - Global Gastronomy (C1/C2 Advanced)

Embarking on a journey to a foreign land is not just about exploring the sights and sounds; it’s also a delightful odyssey for your taste buds. Sampling the local cuisine is an integral part of travel, offering a tantalising glimpse into the heart and soul of a culture. However, dining out in different countries isn’t always a piece of cake (pun intended!). From language barriers to unusual culinary customs, the experience can be a rollercoaster ride of flavours and challenges. Let’s delve into the joys and difficulties of eating out in various corners of the globe.

Picture yourself seated at a quaint trattoria in Rome, with the aroma of freshly baked pizza wafting through the air.

Ah, Italy! The land of pasta, pizza, and gelato. Eating out in Italy is a divine experience, a celebration of simplicity and quality ingredients. However, be prepared for the peculiar Italian dining etiquette. Want a cappuccino after your meal? Think again! Italians consider it a breakfast beverage and might raise an eyebrow if you order it post-lunch or dinner.

In Japan, dining out is an art form, where every dish is meticulously crafted to perfection. Sushi, ramen, tempura – the options are endless. But before you embark on your culinary adventure, familiarise yourself with Japanese table manners. Slurping noodles? It’s not only acceptable but a sign of appreciation for the chef’s cooking prowess. And don’t be shy to express your delight with an enthusiastic "Oishii!" (Oh-ee-shi meaning delicious!).

Prepare your taste buds for a fiery rendezvous in India, where every meal is a riot of flavours and spices. From buttery naan to aromatic biryani, Indian cuisine is a sensory explosion. But beware of the spice levels! What might seem mild to a local could leave you reaching for the nearest glass of water. Embrace the chaos of street food stalls, but remember the golden rule: "When in doubt, follow the crowd!"

And what about France – the epitome of culinary sophistication? Dining out in France is a refined affair, where every meal is savoured with gusto. From crispy baguettes to decadent pastries, French cuisine is a love letter to the senses. But navigating French menus can be a daunting task, especially if your French is a bit rusty. Brush up on your culinary vocabulary to avoid any embarrassing faux pas. Some meals might not be exactly what you are expecting.

Thai cuisine is a harmonious blend of sweet, sour, spicy, and salty flavours, guaranteed to tantalise your taste buds. But be prepared to navigate the heat levels. When ordering spicy dishes, tread cautiously unless you have a high tolerance for chilli. And don’t forget to sample the myriad of street food offerings – you never know what hidden gems you might discover!

Eating out in different countries is not just about filling your stomach; it’s about immersing yourself in the rich tapestry of global gastronomy. From the bustling street markets of Thailand to the refined bistros of Paris, each culinary adventure offers a unique glimpse into the heart and soul of a culture. So pack your appetite, sharpen your chopsticks, and embark on a gastronomic journey of a lifetime. Bon appétit, world traveler!

Check your understanding

  1. What are some of the unique challenges travellers might face when dining out in Italy, according to the article?

  2. In Japan, what is the cultural significance behind slurping noodles?

  3. What cautionary advice does the article offer to travellers sampling Indian cuisine?

  4. Describe the dining etiquette emphasised in France, as outlined in the article.

  5. What advice does the article give to travellers navigating the spice levels in Thai cuisine?

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  1. Trattoria: An Italian restaurant, typically casual and family-owned, serving traditional Italian dishes.

  2. Odyssey: A long and adventurous journey, often marked by various experiences or challenges.

  3. Quaint: Charmingly old-fashioned or picturesque.

  4. Meticulously: With great attention to detail; very thorough.

  5. Etiquette: The customary code of polite behaviour in society or a particular group.

  6. Prowess: Exceptional skill or ability.

  7. Faux pas: A social blunder or embarrassing mistake, especially in etiquette or manners.

  8. Tapestry: A metaphorical term referring to the rich and diverse array of experiences or elements within a particular context.

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